Living Life your way..

The only things that really matter in life is God, love (genuine friends and family), and being a good person. That’s it. Its taken me a while to figure this all out. You see…life really is more simple than we think. We complicate and over think almost everything in our lives. And then… before you know it…its over. What are you doing to live your life to the fullest? Forget about money and material things. Do the things that make you happy, things that make your soul sing…no matter what anyone says or thinks about it. I’ve spent so much time policing myself so that I would fit in and be “normal”. But what is normal? I’m not sure if it exist!!! and I really don’t care! I’m gonna do whats normal in MY world and what makes me feel comfortable and happy! Don’t waste your time wishing you could do this or that and just do it!Get on out there people, live life your way……

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